Lean Methoden

TPM – Total Productive Maintenance

Lean-Starterpaket 2022

Economical production in Germany is usually only possible through sufficient automation of the production facilities. This compensates for possible cost disadvantages and maintains or even increases productivity and thus competitiveness. However, the advancing automation brings with it an increasing number of sources of disruption that counteract productivity. The widespread organizational separation of production and maintenance tasks also has a negative impact on the effective use of production equipment.

This can be remedied by the Total Productive Maintenance concept, which aims to ensure effective use of production equipment by transferring responsibility for routine maintenance tasks to production personnel. Care and interdisciplinary maintenance of plant and machinery can minimize downtime and improve effectiveness and availability.

TPM Philosophy

The TPM philosophy is intended to help overcome functional separation with a view to greater process efficiency. The qualification of personnel in production and maintenance-related areas is of particular importance. The focus is on a common understanding of TPM and the alignment of goals with process and plant efficiency. The TPM goals are:

  • Improving plant reliability by eliminating weak spots
  • Minimization of life cycle costs of the plants
  • Increased work safety
  • Creation of a motivating workplace
  • Effective use of personnel
  • Minimization of sources of losses

TPM implementation - the approach

  1. Development of a TPM program with objectives, measures, milestones, deadlines, responsibilities and resources.
  2. Structuring of the plants, recording of their condition/defects with causes and consequences, derivation of measures.
  3. Definition of a pilot area, assignment of activities, training and instruction of plant operators, implementation of measures by gradual transfer of tasks to the plant operators, recording of results, development of work documents.
  4. Evaluation of the pilot experiences, perfection of work documents, extension of the employee competence up to autonomous maintenance.
  5. Implementation of the experiences, transfer to other areas.
  6. Processing of the experiences from the pilot areas into specifications sheets, procurement concepts for new plants.

Your Contact

Rita Leininger
Rita Leininger
Coordination Consulting
Fon: +49 89 45453-465
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